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Sydney WebQuest

1) Introductory quiz

Start off with a brief history quiz. Use these two links to find the answers to the following eight questions on the history of Sydney & Australia:

When did the ‘first fleet’ land in Australia?

What is this day now known as?

How many people were on board the ships?

What is Sydney Cove now called?

What did the Dutch call Australia?

Who were already living in the area?

What happened in 1814?

When did the first gold rushes start?



2) Famous landmarks

Sydney has two landmarks which are famous around the world: Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. In this activity work in two groups: A & B.

Step 1
Group A: read through the information on the Opera House and write six questions.

Group B: read through the information on the Harbour Bridge and write six questions.

Step 2
Give the other group your questions. Now try and find the answers. Which team is quickest?


3) Planning a trip

In this activity you will plan an itinerary for a visit to Sydney. Imagine your group are going to spend three days in Sydney. Write down everything you are going to do and everything you think you will need.

(To use this site you will need to choose Australia and then put ‘Sydney’ in the search box marked ‘cities & towns’.)


4) Grammar - future: going to and will

When you were planning your trip around Sydney you probably used ‘will’ or ‘going to’ to talk about your plans, the weather and the choices you made.

Look at the following sentences and choose the best response:

1. What are your plans for your next holiday?
a) We’re going to Australia.
b) We will go to Australia.

2. I’ve forgotten my sunglasses.
a) Don’t worry; we’re going to buy some in Sydney.
b) Don’t worry; we’ll buy some in Sydney.

3. Why don’t we go to the beach?
a) Look at those clouds, it’s going to rain.
b) Look at those clouds, it will rain.

4. A: We’re going to the Opera House later.
B: Didn’t you hear? It’s closed today.
a) Oh well, we’re going to Bondi beach instead.
b) Oh well, we’ll go to Bondi beach instead.

5. How are you getting to the Blue Mountains?
a) Perhaps we’re going to drive there from Sydney.
b) Perhaps we’ll drive there from Sydney.

Now look at the sentences again, can you make some rules for using ‘will’ and ‘going to’? Check your ‘rules’ in a grammar book.


5) Listening - Midnight Oil

Some very famous bands have come out of Sydney, one of these is Midnight Oil, who are famous not only because they come from Australia but because they are an ‘environmental’ band. Most of their songs are about globalisation, environment and aboriginal rights.

Listen to the first three minutes of an interview with lead singer Pete Garrett (who has now left the band) and then answer the following seven questions:


Where does the title of the new album ‘Capricornia’ come from?

Where do most Australians live?

What do Midnight Oil try to do in their music?

Did their ‘Redneck Wonderland’ album sell a lot of copies?

What does Pete Garrett say is ‘magic’?

How long have Midnight Oil been playing together?

What is the first track on the album called?

If you want to you can finish listening to the full interview which lasts for seven and a half minutes.


6) Wish you were here

When you visit a new place do you send your friends and family postcards? Here is your opportunity to send a ‘virtual’ postcard of your trip to Sydney – you can even use a picture of Sydney Opera House (choose the second page of pictures and look at the middle picture in the top row). Follow the on screen instructions, write your message and send your card.



7) Didgeridoo quiz - didga know?

The Didgeridoo is a famous Australian instrument. Look at the following four questions about the Didgeridoo and choose the correct answer. When you have finished check your answers by looking at the information on the following website:


1. The Didgeridoo is made from....

a) Kangaroo skin b) Wood c) A sea shell

2. The Didgeridoo is played by....

a) Blowing b) Hitting c) Plucking strings

3. The Didgeridoo is
a) Quite an old instrument b) Quite modern c) Very old

4. Didgeridoos are decorated with …
a) Shells b) Paintings c) Coloured strings & beads.


8) Extra websites

Fantastic site including a virtual tour with lots of information sheets about the Opera House, well worth a visit.

Places to go and things to do – covers the whole of Australia but has a nice clear section on Sydney.

Nice clear map, if somewhat small, which could be useful for activity three.

Information about Bondi Beach.

In activity three students have three days in Sydney – here is a ‘real’ two day tour taken by a couple of visitors. How closely does it resemble the tour your students planned?

Official Midnight Oil site.



LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006