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Oxford WebQuest

1) Introductory quiz

a) Alice

1. What was the writer of the Alice stories’ real name?
2. What was his pseudonym?
3. In which Oxford College did he work?
4. What subject did he lecture in?
5. The character of Alice was based on a real person. What was her name?
6. When did this girl first meet the author of the Alice books?


b) Morse

One of the most famous fictional characters from Oxford is Inspector Morse. Use these two websites to find the answers to the following ten questions.

1. Which actor played Morse on TV?
2. Who wrote the Morse novels?
3. What was the last Morse novel called?
4. In which story does The Bear Inn feature?
5. What is the registration number of Morse’s car?
6. What is the name of Morse’s boss?
7. Complete the name of this pub (which features in Morse stories) The Eagle and ________.
8. How many Morse films are there?
9. What time does the clock show in the Carfax ‘virtual tour’ photo?
10. What is Morse’s first name?




2) Group presentation

In small groups do some research in order to prepare a presentation to the class. You should take notes, as you will have to tell the class about what you have found out. Prepare the presentation using the questions below and any other information you think will be of interest to the others. After you have answered the questions organise the information so that a group speaker can present to the rest of the class.

a) Group 1: Penicillin

1. What is penicillin?
2. Who invented it and where did he invent it?
3. What ‘accident’ helped in the discovery of penicillin?
4. How does penicillin work?
5. In what ways has penicillin improved our lives?



b) Group 2: Lord of the Rings
1. What did Tolkien teach at Oxford University?
2. Tolkien’s elves speak a language called “Quenya”. On what real language is this based?
3. What great event was going on while Tolkien was writing The Lord of The Rings?
4. In which pub did Tolkien meet with the ‘Inklings’?
5. What is the book The Lord of the Rings about?



c) Group 3: Music in Oxford.
1. Who was Jacqueline Du Pré?
2. What did she play?
3. What tragedy occurred in her life?


1. When was Radiohead formed?
2. What was the band originally called?
3. What was their debut album called?



3) Vocabulary in context

Look at the website pages from the history of Oxfam. On the first page find phrasal verbs which have the following meanings:

a) Become stronger and difficult to stop.

b) To start something such as a business or institution.

c) To go forward to the next stage of a process, arrive at a destination.

d) To be focussed on or based on a place or object.

e) To gradually do less of an activity because you are preparing to stop completely.
f) Look at this sentence from the text. How much is ‘scarcely any’?:

In 1941, the Allies imposed a naval blockade, and scarcely any food or medical supplies could get through, even to civilians.

g) Replace the phrase "scarcely any" with another of similar meaning.



4) Discussion

Do you support the work of any charities? There are many charities available to support. If you had some money to donate to a charitable organisation, which would you choose and why? Try to justify your choice.


5) Extra websites






LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006