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New York WebQuest

1) Brainstorming - New York, New York!

What do you think when you see the words ‘New York’? In two minutes write down all the words and phrases you can think of. Now check out the following websites and see if your words and phrases are mentioned.



2) Introductory quiz

Your teacher will put you in pairs or small groups. Use the websites below to find the answers to these eight questions about New York City.

1.Who was the first European to visit the area of New York?
2.Which two Native American groups inhabited the area?
3.What is the name of the river in New York? Who was it named after?
4.What was the original name of New York?
5.How many people lived in New York when George Washington became president?
6.When was the Brooklyn Bridge opened?
7.Where were the first skyscrapers built?
8.Who was the first African American mayor of New York?



3) Web information hunt

a) Your teacher will give you a letter. Look at your website and write down five interesting pieces of information. After ten minutes work in a new group and exchange the information you have found out.

If you are Q look at Queens
If you are B look at Brooklyn
If you are S look at Staten Island
If you are X look at Bronx
If you are M look at Manhattan

b) Now, using the same website, see if you can answer the following questions about boroughs in New York. You will need to read the information on each borough in order to find the answers:

1.Which borough has the largest population?
2.In which borough is Wall Street?
3.In which borough is the Yankee Stadium?
4.In which borough are the two main airports?
5.Which is the only borough (of the five) on the mainland?
6.How would people travel from Staten Island to Manhattan?



4) Group planning - a day in NYC!

Work in small groups (between two and four). Use the website below to help you plan a day in New York. Consider the following questions:

1. Who will you go to New York with?
2. Which places will you visit?
3. How long will you need to spend in each place?
4. How much will the day cost? (Include transport, cost of tickets and entry fees, food and anything else you will buy.)



5) Listening - Tom's Diner

Suzanne Vega is a New York songwriter. Her most famous song to date is called Tom’s Diner. Suzanne Vega’s songs often reflect life in her hometown of New York. One song, Tom’s Diner, was actually written in Tom’s restaurant at 2880 Broadway, New York.

Use the following website to listen to different versions of the song Tom’s Diner. You can also access the song lyrics from this website. Click on ‘music’ then ‘MP3s A-Z’ then Tom’s Diner.



6) Grammar - present continuous and present simple

The song Tom’s Diner is full of actions and uses the present continuous to describe what is happening. Do you know when to use the present continuous and when to use the present simple?

Choose the correct sentence from each pair:

a) I am sit in the diner.
b) I am sitting in the diner.

a) She is pulling up her stockings.
b) She pulling up her stockings.

a) I like listening to music.
b) I am liking listening to music.

a) It is always nice to seeing you.
b) It is always nice to see you.

a) It is time to catch the train.
b) It is time to catching the train.


7) Extra websites

Take a look at this interesting slide show – pictures and information about six of Manhattan’s most fascinating museums.

Click on ‘enter’ and find out about the real New York.

Up-to-date news from the New York Times. If you want to read the news
in-depth then you’ll need to create an account (but it’s free).

Essential NY
Bright and brash, this web site reflects many peoples’ image of New York. Lots of information, including an excellent section under ‘Tourist attractions menu’.

Nice simple history page which also includes a timeline.

Suzanne Vega
Find out more about this song.

A selection of songs written and played by New York songwriters (led by Suzanne Vega) focusing on the events of 09/11/201.



LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006