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Kingston WebQuest

1) Introductory quiz

Activity 1
The history of Jamaica. Answer the following ten questions using the website below:

1. Who was Captain Henry Morgan?
2. When did he die?
3. Who originally lived on the island of Jamaica?
4. What did they originally call the island of Jamaica?
5. Who were the ‘Maroons’?
6. How long was Columbus shipwrecked on the island of Jamaica?
7. Why were slaves needed in Jamaica?
8. What two natural disasters were/are most common in Jamaica?
9. When was slavery abolished in Jamaica?
10. What three types of music are important in Jamaica?


Activity 2
Now, write your own quiz. In teams of four or five, use the website below to help you write ten questions based on Kingston.

Next, swap questions with another team, and try to answer the questions they have written about Kingston.



2) Web information hunt - a musical legacy

When you hear the word ‘Jamaica’ the first thing most people think of is Bob Marley. In this section of the WebQuest we will focus on Bob Marley and his life.

Work in three groups. Each group will focus on a different aspect of Bob Marley’s life.

Group 1
Use the following website to find out about ‘Rastafari’ which was a major influence on Marley’s life. Consider the following questions: a) What is Rastafari? b) Where does Rastafari come from? c) What are the main ideas about Rastafari?


Group 2
Use the following websites to find out about ‘The Wailers’, the musical influences on Bob Marley and the words and meanings of his songs. Consider the following questions: a) Who were the members of the Wailers? b) What were the main influences on Bob Marley’s music? c) Did any of Bob Marley’s songs have a special meaning?





Group 3
Use the following websites to find out about the places where Bob Marley lived. Consider the following questions: a) Where was Bob Marley born? b) What are the names of the places where Bob Marley lived? c) What was the address of his home in Kingston, Jamaica?





3) Grammar – verb tenses

Complete the gaps in the text about Bob Marley using the verbs in the box. Make sure you use the correct form of each verb.

grow up

be born


Bob Marley (1)_____ in Nine Mile on February 6th, 1945. He (2)____ in St Ann, a small village in the north of Jamaica.
In the late 1950s he (3)____ to Kingston and (4) ____ a place to live in Trenchtown. It was here that he (5) ___ ‘Bunny’ Livingston. The two boys became friends and (6) _____ to American music on the radio.
When Bob (7) _____ school he (8) _____ working in a welding shop but (9) ____ all his free time making music. Bob Marley (10) _____ his first song called ‘Judge Not’ in February 1962 at the age of seventeen. Later that year he (11) _____ a group – The Wailing Wailers. On February 10th, 1966 Bob (12) ____ a young girl – Rita Anderson.


4) Group planning - Paradise Island

In this activity you will plan an itinerary for a visit to Kingston. Work in groups and think of answers to the following questions:

1. Where will you visit in Kingston and why?
2. In what order will you visit the different places?
3. How much time will you spend in each place?
4. What will you do in each place?



5) Vocabulary - do you speak Jamaican?

What language do people speak in Jamaica? Jamaican Patois resembles English in many ways but has a slightly different grammar and some different vocabulary (similar to how British English and American English differ). Here are some words and phrases from Jamaican Patois. What do you think each one means? Check your answers using the online dictionary.

1. Aldoah

2. Axe

3. Dat is fe mi bredda

4. Gaan

5. Gwan
6. Gwey

7. Madda

8. Mi a-go lef today

9. Skin teeth

10. Yuh no dun yet?




You can also listen to Jamaican being spoken by looking at the following website: http://www.jamaicans.com/speakja/sound.htm


6) Extra websites

History of Jamaica

Bob Marley and The Wailers




General information




LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006