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(list and exercises)
3.2. - August 1998

Please note these vocabulary exercises have been devised for a particular course with French students. This entails the following consequences:

a/ the vocabulary I have chosen to teach is what may be called "general engineering vocabulary" with a very slight emphasis on mechanical engineering. Highly specialised vocabulary has deliberately been left out;

b/ my students are (pre) intermediate, which means I have tried to avoid including both very basic and also advanced words/ phrases;

c/ naturally I have used my students' knowledge of French as a stepping stone. As a result,

* many words do not appear in the list since they are very similar in both languages (e.g. to install / installer - a plan / un plan - precise/ précis, etc.);
* conversely, I have insisted on what we call "faux amis" ( false friends,i.e. words which look alike but have different meanings), for instance to control, to achieve, etc;
* some exercises are based on translation from or into English.

If you decide to use these exercises I know you 'll have a lot of re-writing to do, but I do hope this list may be useful.

Groupe 1

to account for - accurate, accuracy - to achieve - to actuate - to adjust - to advise, advice - aim - (to be ) aimed at - to allow - to alter - amount - appliance - to apply (to) - to arrange , arrangement - attempt, to attempt - automation, to automate - available - average, to average - to avoid.

1 - Complétez avec des mots de la liste ci-dessus. (Fill in with words from the list above)

- Since 1900, the temperature of the earth has risen by 0.006°C every year, of course not regularly but on .......... (notez la préposition).(Mind the preposition)
- He has won a gold medal. What a great thing he has ..............d !
- Cheaper prices ............ .......the invasion of clones of the IBM PC.
- .................................. sound with the controls "volume", "treble", and 'bass".
- This packaging machine ..... ............. ..... low-volume operations.
- He ..............d me to try again. What a good idea it was!
- This machining center can manufacture an ............. of 100 parts an hour
- Multemedia computers are now ................. in every shop.
- A pressure of xlb./in² is ..............................d to this piston
- By taking precautions we can ....................... the risk of accidents

2 - Cherchez dans la liste des synonymes de : (Find synonyms of)

to run - system, device - to try - to concern - a trial - quantity - to modify - to permit - a/to plan

3 -Functions

Study the following sentences:

* The function / duty of the spring is to keep the valve depressed
* The spring. has / performs the function / duty of keeping the valve depressed
* The spring serves to keep the valve depressed
* The spring serves / acts as / is used as a means of keeping the valve depressed

Exercise: state the function of a/ a liquid pump b/ the lubricant is a bearing

4 - Décidez si les mots soulignés sont des verbes ou des noms ? (Are the underlined words nouns or verbs?)

- The 78PC features standard a fast hard disk and and 17" screen
- Press-button operation and other new features make the meter easy to use
- And our highly trained engineers configure and engineer systems to the customers' needs
-The automatic Recognition System displays the parameters
- This software allows the user to have fine colour displays

5 -Complétez le tableau suivant (Fill in the table)
verbe nom adjectif

Groupe 2

breakdown - breakthrough - to bring about - built-in - to carry out - case, casing - check, to check - to claim -to clamp - to compensate (for) - to complete, completion - to be composed of - to comprise - to connect - to consist of - to consist in - constraint.

1 - Trouvez un synonyme de CARRY OUT dans le groupe 1. Find a synonym of CARRY OUT in group 1

2 - Quelques faux ami : (A few "false friends")

* to complete = ........................? Compléter = to make complete.
* actual / actually = ...................../............................ ? Actuel = now, nowadays
* to deliver = .......................? délivrer = to free
* large = ........................? large : voir exo 4
* to comprise =..........................? y compris = included
* to prevent (from) =..........................(de) ? prévenir = to warn

3 - Complétez avec des mots de la liste ci-dessus. (Fill in with words from the list above)

- If the maintenance of a system is not correctly done, it can ......... problems and even ...
- The machine has a ............. processor so that it can be programmed off-line( = without a computer).
- A PC ...............s a CPU, a monitor, a disk, a mouse, etc.
- Quenching ..............s ......heating a metal and cooling brutally.
- The plant will soon be ................d and start production.
- The discovery of integrated circuits has been one of the major .............................s of the XXth century.

4 -Dimensions géométriques

Associer les noms, les adjectifs et leurs contraires (Match the nouns, the adjectives and their opposites)

large - small - high - short - thick - thin - wide big - low - broad - narrow - long
Nom Adjectif Contraire

- ****

5 - Dérivation
mot dérivé défintion (utilisant le mot de base)
manager someone who ......................s
security the fact of being ............
specification the act of being ..............
electronic related to .................................s
incorrectly in an ..................................way
employee someone who is .........................ed
accountable who / which can be .....................ed for
accuracy the fact of being ..................

6 - Compléter avec (fill in with) : consist of - consist in - comprise

- The machine has three main parts = it ....................................s three main parts
- Annealing .............................s ......... cooling metal very slowly
- Quenching ...............................s two main operations: heating and cooling
- The last operation will ............................... ........ welding the two pieces of metal

Groupe 3

consumption ,to consume - control /to control - to convert into -to (air/water) cool - core - cost-effective, cost-effectiveness - current - customized - cylinder - data processing - to decrease (by X%) - defect, defective - dependable, dependability - design, to design - to develop - device - dial.

1 - Associez un (ou plusieurs) mot(s) de liste B à chaque mot de la liste A. (Match A and B)

A : computer, breakdown, equipment, transformer, most important / essential, reduction.
B : to convert into, to decrease, dependability, to alter, data processing, defective, device ( find a synonyme in group 1), core.

2 - Attention aux Faux Amis! Traduisez en Français.( "False friends" - Translate into French)

to control (signifie RAREMENT contrôler)- to actuate (gr 1) - design - dependable - to complete (gr 2) - to achieve (gr 1) - a mechanic - current

3 - Complétez avec des mots de la liste ci-dessus. (Fill in with words from the list above)

- This car runs on very little petrol : its .......... is only 4 liters per 100 km.
- A Japanese firm has just ...........ed the first electronic navigation system for cars which is really accurate and ...(= reliable).
- This technique is still very expensive, but in a few years it will become ..............
-You can read the voltage on the ............ of the voltmeter
-The internal circuits are ..................ed by powerful fans (= ventilateurs)
- Pneumatic ........................s can be used to direct parts into the required routes.

4 - Dérivation. Retrouvez les bases des mots dérivés suivants: (Find the root-word)

knowledge - illness - powerful - unseeable - reasonably - unattainable - disagree - carefully - understandable - completion - unplug - microprocessor

5 -Instructions et modes d'emploi : associez le mot et sa traduction (Match A and B)

A - check - ensure- enable - remove - fit - avoid - weld - withdraw - slide - prevent - raise - decrease -

B - s'assurer -réduire - empêcher - enlever (2 verbes) - éviter - - installer - vérifier - permettre - faire glisser -souder - soulever

6 - Sens de 'to develop' - Associer A et B - Attention une définition de B n'a aucun rapport avec A
Meaning of ' to develop' - Match A and B ( careful one definition in B is irrelevant)

A - Electric power is developed in the generator - A new method of fuel injection was developed during the war - There is a possibility of leaks (= des fuites) developing in steam pipes.

B - improve as a result of research - start - make for the first time - make, produce heat or energy

Groupe 4

to decrease - design department - to disconnect - to dismantle - to display - to distort - to disturb - drive, to drive - efficient, efficiency - to enable (somebody to do)- to enhance - to enlarge - to ensure (that) - to entail - equipement (invariable) - to exceed - to exert .

1 - Complétez les phrases suivantes avec des mots de la liste. (Fill in with words from the list above)

- In the last 20 years, the ....... of computers has been greatly enlarged : they are more powerful and faster, they are now able to ........ accurate graphics on colour screens and the progress of electronics now ......... users to carry them easily, moreover their prices have decreased. It is the discovery of microchips which has ........ all this development.
- When a motor .......... a shaft (=un arbre) at very high velocity, the shaft tends to ......... because of centrifugal forces.
- A fast hard disk ............ users to gain time.
-Don't .............. too much pressure on the bar, it might break. Trouver un synonyme dans le groupe 1 (Find a synonym in group 1)
-This plant will be ...........d by 500m².
-The maximum production is already 100 items a day, we can't .......... this amount.
- The machine was ...............................d = taken to pieces in order to transport it easily
- In winter, the temperature ...............................s

2 -Mots de sens pluriel mais de construction au singulier (Words which are in the plural in French)

news - information - equipment - data (très souvent) - Pour dire : UNE info, UN equippement, etc. = A PIECE OF news / equipment

- In an automated system, information (is / are ?) fed back into the machine and (it modifies / they modify?) the original programme.
- This morning, I listened to the news on the radio : all the news (was / were ?) bad , there was not even ( une bonne nouvelle) one ........

3 - Associez les mots et leur définition. (Match A and B)

A- to make an addition or additions to - to situate - to put into place - connected system - correctness, precision - to control - to show - to supervise the functioning of.

B- to fit - to monitor - to display - a network - accuracy - to locate - to supplement - to operate.

4 - Verbes composés fréquents (phrasal verbs)

Utilisez les verbes suivants pour compléter les phrases:
to build in - to fit in - to go off / to go out - to keep away - to pick up - to start up - to take out / to take off - to turn off / to turn out - to wear out

- There are no moving parts, so nothing (s'user)........
- The time counter is (incorporer).........
- Hands must be (tenir à l'écart)............ from the moving mechanism
- (enlever, retirer) .......... the cover in order to access ther inside of the unit
(Recherchez dans le groupe 3, (exercice 5) 2 autres façons d'exprimer ce même sens)
- MS DOS provided the date and the time when you (mettre en route) ........ the system
- The light willl (s'éteindre)........ after 2 or 3 seconds
- Thanks to the ID Sensing element you can (capter) ............ better signals
- (éteindre) .......... the power supply before you remove the cover
- To (installer) .......... the unit, you must first make sure that (etc....)

5 - Trouver des synonymes de ' to decrease' (Find two synonyms for 'to decrease')

a/ to fall - b/ to rise - c/ to fail - d/ to drop - e/ to lower

Groupe 5

a facility - to fail -to fail to meet specifications - failure - fault, faulty - feature, to feature - to feed - field - fitted with - to fit - flaw -flow - fuel - full-scale / full-size- to function.

1 - Cherchez dans la liste ci-dessus des synonymes de :( Find synonyms of .... in the list above)

defect (gr 3) - defective (gr 3) - breakdown (gr 2) - equipped with - to install.

2 - Compléter avec des mots de la liste ci-dessus. (Fill in with words from the list above)

- This computer ........ a 17’’ NEC Multisync display as well as a fast 2 Gb hard disk.
- Faulty parts are parts which .........
- Innovation in the ........ of robotics still continues.
- The management has decided a $100,000 program to modernize the ........
- Electrons .......... from the negative to the positive terminal.
- The TV won’t work and yet, I ve checked everything. I don’t know why there’s a ..............and I can’t find out the origin of the ................


3 - Attention aux faux amis ! Complétez les traductions suivantes : ("false friends" - Translate)

- Electronic instruments controlled by digital codes : des instruments électroniques ...... par des codes numériques.
- The fuel used in nuclear reactors is enriched uranium : le ...... qui sert dans les réacteurs nucléaires, c'est de l'uranium enrichi.
- Musicians now often rely on computerized instruments : maintenant, les musiciens ...... souvent des instruments informatisés.
- He has already achieved a lot, but it's far from finished : il a déjà ...... beaucoup, mais c'est loin d'être fini.
- The facilities will be made larger : les ......... seront agrandies.

4 - Sens d'un mot d'après sa fonction : certains mots peuvent être verbes ou noms. Analysez la fonction des mots en majuscules. (Are the words in capital verbs or nouns?)

- With optical fibre LINKS getting cheaper ... Links est-il a/ un nom pluriel b/ un verbe, 3° personne du présent ?
- ... which runs through cables and PLUGS between instruments. Même question concernant 'plugs'.
- When the processors CONTROL the interface... Control est-il un nom singulier ou un verbe au présent ?
- Low-cost PC-based package OFFERS cost less than £800. Offers : nom pluriel ? Verbe singulier ?
- This low-cost PC-based package OFFERS free software as well. Même question.

5 - Vocabulaire de l'informatique: associer les mots et leur traduction (Match A and B)

A : boot - back up - display - input - erase - load - process - recover - type

B :charger - récupérer - traiter - afficher - suavegarder - démarrer - , éntrer au clavier - effacer

6 - D'autres verbes composés - Remplacez les verbes composés de A par des verbes simples de la liste B.
More phrasal verbs - Substitute a formal verb ( from List B) for the phrasal verb in italic print

A - A number of modifications were built into the machine
- Multi-stage pumps are made up of several impellers on one shaft
- Tests were carried out on many specimens
- The lever must be pushed down to start the motor
- The machine can be takn to pieces and put together [again] in little time
- The company set up a new factory in the industrial area
- The magnetic field appears to go round and round

B - to rotate - to establish -to constitute - to dismantle - to depress/ to lower - to [re]assemble - to achieve - to incorporate

Groupe 6

gear (2 sens) - to go wrong -to handle - to harden - to heat (up) - to house -to impart - to implement - to increase (BY x%) - to insert - a jack - a joint - to keep ... from - a lack of, to lack -to leak, leakage - to lengthen - light (adjectif) - to link -load ,to load - locate - loss - low-cost - lubricant

1 - Associez un mot de la liste B à chaque mot de la liste A. (Match A and B)

A - place, better salaries, long, computer,grease and oil, toothed wheel, arm and hand, price, pneumatic, warm.

B - gear, to locate, to increase, to handle, low-cost, to display, jack, to heat up, lubricant, to lengthen.

2 - Donnez des synonymes de (a/ dans la liste ci-dessus) : device, to prevent ... from, to connect, give (b/ et aussi) : costly, accuracy, attempt.
Give synonyms of (a/ in the list above) ...(b/ and also)

3 - Quel est le contraire de ... ? (Give the opposite)

to increase, to connect, model (voir gr 5), important, minor, concrete, regular, top, heavy.

4 - Vocabulaire de l'informatique. Associez mot anglais et mot français. (Match A and B)

A * hardware - software - storage - wordprocessor - spreadsheet - hacker - patent - byte - data capture - digit.
* tableur - traitement de texte - chiffre - octet - saisie des données - logiciel - stockage - pirate - matériel - brevet.

B * to delete - to troubleshoot - to enter / to key in - to reset - to feed.
* réinitialiser - alimenter - localiser une panne - effacer - entrer (des données).

5 - Quel verbe exprime aussi le même sens ? (Verbs ending with -en)

Exemple : to make / become whiter = to whiten
a/ to make / become deeper - to make / become shorter - to make / become worse- to make / become wider - to make / become thicker - to make / become harder
b/ Formation un peu plus complexe : to make / become stronger - to make / become longer. to make / become better (attention, piège !)

6 - Imperial Units

- A load of 1O lb is exerted on the system
- A big coin has (approximately a 1’’ diameter
- This page is (approximately) 1’ long.
1' = 1 ....... (abréviation) = 1............. (mot complet) = ...........cm (environ)
1’’ = 1 ....... (abréviation) = 1............. (mot complet) = ...........cm (environ)
1 ........ (abréviation) = 1 yard (mot complet) = ...........cm (environ)
1 ........ (abréviation) = 1 mile (mot complet) = ...........km (environ)
1 ........ (abréviation) = 1 pound (mot complet) = ...........kg(environ)

Groupe 7

machining, to machine -mains - manufacturer - to match - to meet specifications - monitor, to monitor - on the fly - operation, to operate - overheat - overload -(control) panel - part - to perform - plant - to plug in - to power - tp prevent ... from -(+ing) - process - processing, to process.

1 - Expliquez la différence entre : to monitor / to control - to plug in / to link. Traduire ces mots. (Explain the difference between..., translate these words)

2 - Complétez le tableau suivant de façon à former des noms composés. Utiliser :drilling (2 fois) - piston (2 fois) - manager - factory - discharge (2 fois)
(Fill in the table so as to obtain compound names)
Compléter ICI (here) ou bien ICI (or here) Sens ( meaning)
machine perçage (fait à la machine)
machine perceuse
engine moteur à pistons
engine piston (de moteur)
parts chef magasinier
parts pièces d’usine
pipe tuyau d’évacuation
pipe déchargement de tuyau(x)

3 - a/ Trouvez des synonymes de : to power (voir gr 5), to perform (voir gr 1 et 2) b/ Trouver le contraire de : to meet specifications (gr 5) (a/ find synonyms for ... b/ what's the opposite of ...?)

4 - Compléter avec des mots de liste ( Fill in with words from the list)

- After a last inspection the parts which ........................ are stored before being shipped.
- In case of ............ing, turn off the motor immediately
- Changing the tool can be done ..........., ther's no need to stop the machine to do it.
- At the end of the 19th century, quite a few automobiles were steam- ...........ed.
- Good lubrication ........................s the bearing ......... overheating
- Plug your adaptor into the ................... and then turn the unit on.
- Japanese car ........................................s were the first to invest a lot in automation so as to keep their prices down

5- Compléter. (Fill in the table)
adjectif nom verbe
to power
///////// to handle
///////// to lose

Groupe 8

to produce, a product - provide - purpose - range - to range from ... to - rate - ratio -raw material -to reach - to rely on (2 meanings), reliable, reliability - to remove - requirement, to require - to resist (something) - to result IN - rise,to rise - to run.

1 - Trouvez un synonyme de : 'to run' (voir gr 7) , 'purpose' (voir groupe 1) , 'reliable' (voir groupe 3)et de 'to rise' (voir gr 6). (Find synonyms)

2 - Complétez le phrases avec des mots de la liste ci-dessus. (Fill in with words from the list above)

- Arabian countries ... France with most of the oil we need. (Notez la construction par rapport à celle du français.)
- Third World countries sell a lot of ... but very few industrial products.
- A few airlines ............... ... a system of bar-coded labels to check in the passengers' luggage.
- The price of a computer ... from $500 to well over $10,000.
- It is possible to configure a PC to the owner's ... : he will get exactly what he needs.
- When painted, iron can ... corrosion for a long time. (Notez l'absence d'article.)
- The company manufactures a wide ... of products, from light pumps to heavy-duty turbines.
- Don't connect the blue and the red wires, this could ............ malfunction.
- A compression ................. of about 4:1 can be obtained with a turbo-compressor
- The aircraft is dependable = reliable, this means you can ................... ....... it

3 - Recherchez dans un dictionnaire la catégorie ( nom, adjectif, adverbe) à laquelle appartiennent les mots suivants et vérifier leur sens. (Are these words nouns, adjectives, adverbs? - Translate them)

mechanic, mechanics, mechanical - electronics, electronic - technique, technical, technically - robotic, robotics - economical, economics, economic.

4 - Complétez les phrases suivantes à l'aide de : producer, production, productivity, produce, products. (Fill in with ...)

- Steven Spielberg is a film director but he is also a famous film .........
- To improve the ......... of a company, one has to give employees responsibilities and incentive bonuses.
- The .......... of oil has slightly decreased lately.
- Novo Nordisk does not simply ......... plastic parts but it also offers a wide range of ...
- Most of our industial ..................... are sold abraod (= à l'étranger)

5 - Dimensions mécaniques ( Fill in the table with the required adjectives and their opposites)

Compléter le tableau en donnant les adjectifs (et leur contraire) qui correspondent aux notions suivantes. Utiliser : powerful - heavy (2 fois) - weak (2 fois) - strong (2 fois) - light (2 fois) - lightweight - dense - powerless
Notion Adjectif Contraire

6 - Provision

a/ What is the verb correesponding to this word?
b/ Translate: Provisions must be made for compressed air - The provision of a drain on the lower side is necessary

Groupe 9

to save - scrap, to scrap -seal - sensor - series - to service, servicing - to set - shop - size -to slide - smooth - socket -to sort (out) - spare ( en composition) - specifications (sheet) - to stress - to stack.

1 - Compléter avec les mots de la liste 9. (Fill in with words from the list above)

- Using an automated system is=nstead of a manuel one often ............. time and money
- There is no jerking (= pas d’à-coups), the motion is ......... and regular.
- The bulb (= ampoule) is dead. Have you got a ........... one ?
- The ........... is empty, all the workers are having lunch
- The ........... of this box is 3’* 2’*10’’
- Don't forget to .......... the door before starting the machine.
- Place a new ........... if the joint leaks ( a une fuite).
- The pallets are ............ed vertically for storage.
- Satisfactory and non statisfactory parts are ............... ed by means of a computer-controlled camera.

2 - Recherchez des mots signifiant 'déchets', des verbes signifiant 'jeter' et d'autres signifiant 'recupérer, ramasser'. Employez les dans des phrases significatives.

3 - Indiquez une (ou plusieurs) préposition(s) souvent employées avec les verbes ci-dessous, et donner le sens des verbes ainsi formés. (ex : to depend --> to depend ON : dépendre de)
(Which preposition after a verb?)

to agree - to arrive - to consist - to cut - to be interested - to listen - to look - to provide - to transform - to think - to wait.

4 - Complétez les phrases suivantes avec les mots proposés tout en tenant compte du schéma. (Fill in the sentences with the words below)

attached to ( 1 degré de liberté/ 1 degree of freedom) - connected / joined to X by Y- in contact with - mounted on ( 1 degré de liberté / 1 degree of freedom)- fixed to ( aucun degré de liberté / no degree of freedom)

Don't forget to download and save the diagram (Fig 1). (Click on the right mouse-button and choose 'save' in the menu.)

- The piston is ........ the piston rod. (it is not free to move in relation with the piston rod.)
- The connecting rod is ........ the cross-head. (The connecting rod is free to move in relation to the cross-head. )
- The piston is ......... the walls of the cylinder.
- The piston is ......... the cross-head by the piston rod. (They are joined together by an intermediate member.)
- The cross-head is ........... a slide. (It is partially restrained by the slide, but it is not fixed to it.)
- The flywheel is ........... a shaft.
- The crank is ........... the flywheel by a shaft.
- The cross-head is .............. the crank ....... a connecting rod.

5 - Reconstituez les sigles suivants grâce à la liste des mots nécéssaires donnés en désordre.

* CD - ROM - CRT - LCD - LED - CAD - NDT - CAM - R and D - VDT
* emitting - compact - read - aided (2)- non - tube - display (2)- testing - research - manufacturing - computer - - destructive - liquid - cathode - only - disc - memory - and - - ray - development - designing - crystal - light - video

Groupe 10

staff - step - storage, to store - stress - subjected to - to suit - suitable for, suited to /for - to supply -to tackle a task - tailored - test,to test - to tinker - training, to train.

1 - Complétez les phrases suivantes avec des mots de la liste. (Fill in with words from the list)

- The management has decided to take .......... in order to solve the problem.
- A material is .............ed when an external force tends to distort it.
- A table-top PC is .......... ........'clean' industries whereas only protected industrial PCs .......... chemical plants and paper mills.
- A transformer .............. the circuit with LV. (Find a synonym in group 8)
- If you are good at ...............ing, repairing this old car will be neither expensive nor difficult.
- Soldering (= soudure à l'étain) is not suitable for joints ...................... ...... stress and vibration

2 - Traduisez avec des mots de la liste ci-dessus. (Translate with words from the list)

contrôle, vérification - fournir, alimenter (trouver un synonyme dans le groupe 8) - former (du personnel) - stockage. - customisé, personnalisé - s'attaquer à une tâche.

3 - Cherchez différents mots anglais pour rendre : main d'oeuvre - personnel. (Give various equivalents for ...)

4 - Pour chacun des mots suivants, cherchez au moins un dérivé ( avec préfixe et/ou suffixe)et le traduire.
Add prefixes and/or suffixes and translate the new words

care - real - powrer- install - warn - able - differ - measure - digit - equip - transmit - dark - improve - attract - complete - distort - deliver.

5 - Consider and Neglect - Utilisez les verbes suivants
(Use the following verbs)
to take into account, to take into consideration, to consider <>to ignore, to neglect, to disregard

- ...............................ing radiation losses, calculate the amount of energy required.
- A certain number of factors must be ...................................... when designing a new piece
- The losses dur to leakage past the piston can be ................................d, because they are neglegible.
- When you ............evrything ..................., the overall cost is very high.
- As it is relatively small, the resistance of the bearing can be ...............................d

Groupe 11

to tighten - a trial - to turn out - unit - to unplug - versatile, versatility - waste -waterproof - wear / to wear ( worn) - to wind - wire - to withstand (something) - to work - workforce - workshop.

1 - Cherchez des synonymes de : (Find synonyms for...)

to turn out (voir gr 8) - unit (voir gr 1, 3,4) - waste (voir gr 9) - to withstand (voir gr 8) - workshop (voir gr 9)- trial (voir groupe 10)

2 - Complétez avec des mots de la liste ci-dessus. (Fill in with words from the list above)

- The space shuttle is a ......... vehicle : it can perform many different missions.
- The problem of nuclear ......... is very serious as we don't know exactly what to do with them.
- Thanks to C.A.M., it takes only 3 hours to ....... ...... a part instead of 15 before.
- All bolts (écrous) must be .........ed
- In a transformer, a primary .........ing generates a magnetic field which induces a current in a secondary winding.
- This compressor is designed to ................ at relatively low speeds.

3 - Associez des mots de la liste B à chacun de ceux de la liste A. (Match A and B)

A : factory - coil - electricity - dustbin.
B : waste - to turn out - workshop - to wind - to (un)plug - worn - wire - workforce.

4 - Pawl and ratchet intermittent feed mechanism

(This mechanism is often used in shaping machines where the intermittent movement of the feed shaft causes a table to move forwards in steps.)

Compléter la description du fonctionnement de ce mécanisme (Fill in the blanks)

The drive of the motor causes the driven .......... to rotate by means of a ............. and two ............. . As a result of the rotation of .........A, gear B is rotated, thereby causing the ............ to rotate. In turn this makes the ......... move forwards ( et en arrière) ...................... (This converts rotational movement (prépostion?).......... linear one.) Consequently the pawl moves, thus making the ratchet wheel rotate intermittently. As a result, this causes the ........................ to rotate and drive the table.

Don't forget to downlaod and save the diagram (Fig 2). Click on the right mouse-button and choose 'save' in the menu.)
Both Figures 1 and 2 are taken from Engineering, by Tony Dudley-Evans, Tim Smart and John Wall, Edited by Longman - 1987

5 - Comment dire : Fonctionner, marcher (How to say ...) - Trouvez différents mots dans les Groupes 5, 7, 8, 11. (Pick up words in groups 5,7,8,11)




LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006