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Document #2

§1 - The Vernon site, about an hour west from Paris, is dedicated to the development and production of liquid propulsion systems for the Ariane 4 and 5 launchers (= lanceurs), as well as associated equipment. Home to SEP's Liquid propulsion Division, Vernon has 1,588 employees, 24,000square meters (259,200sq ft) of offices and laboratories, and 22,000 square meters (237,600 sq ft) of workshop space.

§2 - Vernon offers a full range of production resources, including:

- a mechanical engineering shop organized in production cells, with one hundred machine tools, half of which are numerically-controlled.
- an integrated pipe and tubing production line.
- an assembly area (including 1,600 m² of clean rooms for cryogenics) for the integration of Ariane 4's Viking and MH78 and first-stage propulsion unit, and the Ariane 5 Vulcain engine.

§3 - Vernon is the largest rocket test center in Western Europe, with a site covering 116 hectares (287 acres) and a security zone four times as large. It features a dozen test facilities for Ariane engines and subassemblies, in particular the PF50 rig (= banc moteur) for Vulcain engine testing and PF 52 (Vulcain turbopumps).

§4 - To ensure high-performance data management, SEP has also developed ETNA 5, an information processing system that stores and analyzes all test data.

§5 - SEP also develops and applies sophisticated mathematical techniques and modeling methods thanks to an advanced research and technology program carried out in conjunction with a network of more than 30 government and university research labs.

SEP, Mastering the Extremes

Please, remember that the following exercises have been devised for French speaking students, whose needs (particularly of vocabulary) may be different from those of students with other L1.
A translation of these exercises can be found at the end of the file.


A/ Vocabulaire
Lisez le paragraphe 1, tout en SOULIGNANT (ou surlignant) tout le VOCABULAIRE CONNU.
Pourquoi ? le but est d’essayer de vous faire prendre conscience que vous savez plus de vocabulaire que vous ne le pensez et que vous pouvez apprendre ΰ utiliser au mieux les connaissances que vous avez.

Parmi le vocabulaire non soulignι (et donc, en principe, inconnu), il y a peut-κtre 'dedicated' et ' workshop'

* DEDICATED. Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot ressemble au franηais (on dit que c'est un mot 'transparent').
Pensez ΰ 'dιdicacer'. >> Sens probable: …………………………… ?
* WORKSHOP: Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Vous pensez connaξtre ce mot ( shop = magasin)
mais WORKSHOP fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Sens : ……………………………………?
Note: on trouve souvent la forme abrιgιe 'shop' dans le mκme sens.

B/ Comprιhension

Dans la 1θre phrase: relevez les noms composιs

* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de5 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..

AS WELL AS : quelle idιe ce mot de liaison apporte-t-il? *opposition, contraste entre les 2 morceaux de la phrase? * ajout d'un nouvel ιlιment ΰ celui qui prιcθde? Traduisez 'as well as'....

Dans la 2θme phrase: relevez 2 noms composιs

*un de 3 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le: ………………………………
* un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le: ………………………………

A/ Vocabulaire
Comme vous avez fait pour le §1, lisez le paragraphe 2, tout en SOULIGNANT (ou surlignant) tout le VOCABULAIRE CONNU.

Parmi le vocabulaire non soulignι (et donc, en principe, inconnu), il y a peut-κtre 'range', 'tools', 'area'.

* RANGE. Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Traduction: …………………………………?
* TOOLS. Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Traduction: …………………………………?
* AREA. Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Sens ici: regardez le contexte - un / une 'area' d'assemblage de 1600m². Sens probable du mot: ……………. ?
Mot d'utilisation trθs frιquente, ΰ connaξtre dans ses 2 sens: a/ Surface = aire b/ zone, endroit

B/ Comprιhension

Dans la 1θre phrase: relevez les noms composιs

* Un de 3 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le …………………………………….

Aprθs le 1er tiret: relevez les noms composιs

* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..

relevez un adjectif composι
* de 2 mots : ………………………………………………… Traduisez-le --------------

Aprθs le 2θme tiret : relevez un nom composι (prιcιdι d'un adjectif) …………………………………………………… Traduisez-le ……………………………………..

Aprθs le 3θme tiret: relevez les noms composιs

* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 4 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 4 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 4 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..

A/ Vocabulaire

Comme vous avez fait pour les § 1et 2, lisez le paragraphe 3, tout en SOULIGNANT (ou surlignant) tout le VOCABULAIRE CONNU.

Parmi le vocabulaire non soulignι (et donc, en principe, inconnu), il y a peut-κtre 'covering', features', facilities'.

* COVERING: Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe conjuguι ? un participe = un adjectif,? un adverbe ?
Mot transparent. Sens probable …………………….. ?
* FEATURES: . Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Traduction: …………………………………?
* FACILITIES: . Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Traduction: …………………………………?

B/ Comprιhension

Dans la 1θre phrase: relevez les noms composιs

* Un de 3 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..

Que peut signifier l'expression ' 4 times as large': * il y a 4 zones de sιcuritι? * 4 zones de sιcuritι ont la mκme surface? * la zone de sιcuritι fait environ 5OO hectares ?

Dans la 2θme phrase: relevez les noms composιs

* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 4 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 3 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..

A/ Vocabulaire
Comme vous avez fait pour les autres paragraphes, lisez le paragraphe 4, tout en SOULIGNANT (ou surlignant) tout le VOCABULAIRE CONNU

Parmi le vocabulaire non soulignι (et donc, en principe, inconnu), il y a peut-κtre 'ensure', 'management', processing' et 'stores'.

* ENSURE.: Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Mot transparent et trθs frιquent dans l'anglais technique. A connaξtre. Sens : …………………….. ?
* MANAGEMENT;: Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Mot transparent utilisι en 'franglais' : sens ? * gestion ? * amιnagement? * dιmιnagement ?
* PROCESSING: Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? Unparticipe = adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Traduction: …………………………………?
Notez aussi le verbe qui correspond : to process
* STORES: Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Traduction: …………………………………?
Notez le nom qui correspond: storage = le stockage

B/ Comprιhension:

* relevez les noms composιs

* Un de 4 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de3 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 2 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..

* TO ENSURE : TO + verbe sert bien entendu de marqueur de l'infinitif, mais aussi sert ΰ exprimer ? * la consιquence ? * le but ? * la cause? Et donc se traduit par ……………………………..?
Au lieu de TO + verbe, dans ce mκme emploi, on peut aussi trouver ……………………………… + verbe

A/ Vocabulaire
Lisez le paragraphe, tout en SOULIGNANT (ou surlignant) tout le VOCABULAIRE CONNU

Parmi le vocabulaire non soulignι (et donc, en principe, inconnu), il y a peut-κtre 'thanks to', carried out', network, 'labs'

* THANKS TO. Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Mot de liaison ΰ connaξtre. Sens …………………………………….. ?
* CARRIED OUT. Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Traduction: …………………………………?
* NETWORK. Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
Ce mot fait partie du vocabulaire technique ΰ connaξtre. Traduction: …………………………………?
* LABS. Ici, est-ce un nom? un verbe? un adjectif,? un pronom? un adverbe ?
C'est l'abrιviation de …………………….……………….(Le mot complet se trouve dans le §1)

B/ Comprιhension:
* Relevez les noms composιs

* Un de 5 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le ……………………………………..
* Un de 5 mots : …………………………………………….. Traduisez-le …………………………………….

*Lisez la phrase suivante:

Thanks to an advanced research and technology program which is carried out in conjunction with a network of more than 30 government and university research labs, SEP also develops and applies sophisticated mathematical techniques and modeling methods.

Soulignez dans cette phrase

1/ le sujet et le verbe de la proposition
2/ la proposition relative
3/ Indiquez quel est l'antιcιdent du pronom relatif 'which' (= ΰ quoi est-ce que 'which' se rapporte?)


A/ Voici des informations sur une autre entreprise:

Name: Freudenberg
Location:Wiener Neustadt (50km from Wien)
Activity: textile floor covering
Equipment ressources:
* 2 lines for spinning ( to spin= filer) - electronic on-line control
* 1 line for the production of carpet backings (= support de moquette) and spinwebs (= non-tissι)
Aim: execellent quality service >>> development of automated quality assurance laboratory.

Reportez vous aux paragraphes 1, 2 et 4 du texte SEP - VERNON et adaptez-les en les recopiant au maximum pour parler de l'entreprise Freudenberg

B/ Voici un rιsumι (rapide et incomplet) du texte SEP - Vernon en style tιlιgraphique (c.a.d. les articles ont disparus, les verbes ne sont pas conjuguιs, etc).

(Pour le moment, ne pas tenir compte des chiffres entre parenthθses)

SEP site / to be located/ Vernon .
(*1)/ It / to cover / 116 hectares .
(*2)/ There / to be/ a dozen test facilities.
It / to feature/(*3)/ workshops / different :
(*4) mechanical engineering shop: (*5)/ machines / to be/ numerically-controlled.
And also (*6)/ (*7) production line / pipes.
SEP / to build (present perfect) / (*8) PF 50 rig:
(*9)It / to test / Vulcain engines.

1 - Rιdigez chacune des phrases ci-dessus en anglais correct

2 - Reprenez ces phrases et faites-y les modifications suivantes:

(*1) relier la phrase prιcιdente et celle-ci avec un relatif (= le site SEP QUI est situι ΰ Vernon occupe 116h)
(*2) ) relier la phrase prιcιdente et celle-ci avec WHERE
(*3) introduire ALSO
(*4) introduire INCLUDING
(*5) introduire WITH et transformer la suite de la phrase avec un adjectif composι + nom
(*6) remplacer ALSO par un mot de sens ιquivalent trouvι sans le texte (§1)
(*7) transformer ce qui suit en un nom composι
(*8) introduite TOO au lieu d'ALSO
(*9) Transformer la derniθre phrase en introduisant une structure exprimant le BUT

PARAGRAPH 1 A/ Vocabulary

Read §1 and underline all the words you think you know. Why? This aims at showing you that you know more than you think.

Among the words which are not underlined, there may be 'dedicated' and ' workshop'
* DEDICATED. Is it a noun? a verb? an adjective? and adverb? a pronoun? This word looks like a French word (we say it is 'transparent'). Think about 'dιdier' Likely meaning ?
* WORKSHOP: . Is it a noun? a verb? an adjective? and adverb? a pronoun? You may think you know this word (shop = magasin) but workshop is common in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning ? (You often find 'shop' for 'workshop')

B/ Comprehension

In the 1st sentence
* Pick up compound nouns One made up with 2 words ... Translate it. Another one (5 words). Translate it.
* AS WELL AS :What idea does this link word suggest? opposition and contrast? a new idea is added ? Translate it.

In the 2nd sentence: pick up 2 compound nouns (3 words and 2 words) Translate them./P

PARAGRAPH 2 A/ Vocabulary

As you have done with §1, read and underline what you know. Among the words you have not underlined, there may be :
* RANGE: is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? This word is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning?
* TOOLS: is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? This word is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning?
* AREA: is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? Likely meaning: look at the context - A very common word whose two meanings must be known

B/ Comprehension

In the 1st sentence
* Pick up and translate compound nouns (3 words.
* After the 1st dash, pick up compound nouns (2 words, 2 words) and a two-word compound adjective. Translate them
* After the second dash, pick up a compound noun (with its adjective) and translate it.
* After the 3rd dash, pick up compound nouns and translate them (2 words, 4 words, 4 words,4 words)

PARAGRAPH 3 A/ Vocabulary

As you have done with §1 and §2, read and underline what you know. Among the words you have not underlined, there may be :
* COVERING: : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective?
Transparent word . Meaning?
* FEATURES : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective?
This word is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning?
* FACILITIES : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? This word is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning?

B/ Comprehension

In the 1st sentence
* Pick up compound nouns and translate (3 words, 2 words)
* Meaning of ' 4 times as large': * there are 4 security areas? 4 security areas have the same area? * the security area is about 5OO hectares large?
In the 2nd sentence: Pick up compound nouns and translate them (2 words, 4 words, 2 words, 3 words, 2 words, 2 words)

PARAGRAPH 4 A/ Vocabulary

As you have done before, read and underline what you know. Among the words you have not underlined, there may be :
* ENSURE : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? This word is transparent and is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning?
* MANAGEMENT: is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective?
This English word is now usual in French. Meaning?
* PROCESSING : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective?
This word is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning? Note the corresponding verb: to process = meaning?
* STORES : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? This word is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning? Note the corresponding noun : storage

B/ Comprehension:

* Pick up compound nouns and translate them (4 words, 3 words, 2 words)
* TO ENSURE : TO + verb is of course an infinitive but can also express …? * consequence ? * aim ? * cause? hence can be translated as ...? Instead of TO + verb, we could also have .................. ? + verb (same meaning)

PARAGRAPH 5 A/ Vocabulary

As you have done before, read and underline what you know Among the words you have not underlined, there may be
* THANKS TO : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? a preposition? Very common link word which has to be known. Meaning?
* CARRIED OUT: is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? This word is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning?
* NETWORK : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective?
This word is usual in English for technology and so has to be known. Meaning
* LABS : is it a noun ? a verb? and adverb? a pronoun? and adjective? It is a short form for ....? (the full word is in §1)

B/ Comprehension:

* Pick up 2 compound nouns and translate them (5 words, 5 words)
*Read the following sentence: Thanks to an advanced research and technology program which is carried out in conjunction with a network of more than 30 government and university research labs, SEP also develops and applies sophisticated mathematical techniques and modeling methods.
1/the subject and verb of the main clause
2/ the relative clause
3/ What is the principal of the relative pronoun 'which' ?


A/ Here is information about another firm:
Name: Freudenberg
Location:Wiener Neustadt (50km from Vienna)
Activity: textile floor covering
Equipment resources: *2 lines for spinning ( to spin= filer) - electronic on-line control
* 1 line for the production of carpet backings (= support de moquette) and spinwebs (= non-tissι)
Aim: excellent quality service development of automated quality assurance laboratory.

Look at § 1, 2 and 4 of the text SEP - VERNON and copy them as much as you can to tell about Freudenberg

B/ Here is a (rough and quick) summary of the text SEP - VERNON written in telegraphese ( no articles, verbs in the infinitive, etc...) (For the time being ,pay no attention to the figures between brackets)
SEP site / to be located/ Vernon.
(*1)/ It / to cover / 116 hectares .
(*2)/ There / to be/ a dozen test facilities.
It / to feature/(*3)/ workshops / different :
(*4) mechanical engineering shop: (*5)/ machines / to be/ numerically-controlled.
And also (*6)/ (*7) production line / pipes.
SEP / to build (present perfect) / (*8) PF 50 rig:
(*9)It / to test / Vulcain engines.

1 - Write out each sentence in correct English
2 - Then introduce the following changes
(*1 )link the sentence before and this one with a relative pronoun
(*2) link the sentence before and this one with WHERE
(*3) introduce ALSO
(*4) introduce INCLUDING
(*5) introduce WITH et transform the rest of the sentence using a compound adjective + noun
(*6) replace ALSO by a synonym (see §1)
(*7) transform what follows into a compound noun
(*8) Use TOO instead of ALSO
(*9) Transform the last sentence by recasting with a phrase expressing aim.



LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006