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Medical English – case report

Exercise 1
Insert the words and phrases into the appropriate blank space. You may use
each item once only.
a) On auscultation
b) the year before
c) prior to the telephone call
d) two weeks previously
e) lasting five hours
f) respiratory rate
g) The evening before
h) 15 years
i) pulse
j) iliac fossa
k) guarding
l) over the period
m) abdomen
n) A&E
o) On examination
A 35 year-old woman, Mrs Bentley telephoned _____1_____ at 3am
complaining of severe vomiting _____2_____. She had had very loose
motions several times _____3____ and she had had some cramping pains in
the central and lower abdomen. These started about six hours _____4_____.
She did not smoke and was teetotal. _____5_____ she had some egg
mayonnaise sandwiches on the way home from work.
There was no dysuria. Her periods were regular and her last menstrual period
was _____6_____. She had an appendicectomy _____7_____ before. She
was nullipara.
_____8_____, her temperature was 38.1C. She did not look anaemic. Her
_____9_____ was 101/min and regular. The blood pressure was 110/70. Her
_____10_____ was 19/min. Her tongue was dry. She had some tenderness in
the centre of her abdomen and in the left _____11_____. There was no
_____12_____. _____13_____ of her abdomen, her bowel sounds were
prominent. There was no lymphadenopathy.
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Exercise 2
Insert the words and phrases into an appropriate place in the text. Several
have been done for you.
a) On auscultation
b) the year before
c) prior to the telephone call
d) two weeks previously
e) lasting five hours
f) respiratory rate
g) The evening before
h) 15 years
i) pulse
j) iliac fossa
k) guarding
l) over the period
m) abdomen
n) A&E
o) On examination
A 35 year-old woman, Mrs Bentley telephoned at 3am complaining of severe
vomiting. She had had very loose motions several times and she had had
some cramping pains in the central and lower abdomen. These started about
six hours. She did not smoke and was teetotal. she had some egg
mayonnaise sandwiches on the way home from work.
There was no dysuria. Her periods were regular and her last menstrual period
was. She had an appendicectomy before. She was nullipara.
, her temperature was 38.1C. She did not look anaemic. Her was 101/min and
regular. The blood pressure was 110/70. Her was 19/min. Her tongue was
dry. She had some tenderness in the centre of her abdomen and in the left
There was no. of her abdomen, her bowel sounds were prominent. There was
no lymphadenopathy.
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Exercise 3
In each line below there is one word missing. Add an appropriate word.
A 35 year-old woman, Mrs Bentley telephoned A &E at 3am of severe
vomiting lasting five hours. She had had very loose several times over the
period and she had had some cramping in the central and lower abdomen.
These started about six hours to the telephone call. She does not smoke and
is teetotal. The evening she had some egg mayonnaise sandwiches on the
way home work.
There was no dysuria. Her periods regular and her last menstrual period was
two weeks ago. She had appendicectomy 15 years before and She
On, her temperature was 38.1C. She did not look anaemic. Her pulse was
110/70/min and regular. The blood pressure was 108/82. Her rate was
19/min. Her tongue was dry. She had some tenderness in the of her abdomen
and in the left iliac fossa. There was no guarding. On , her bowel sounds were
prominent. There no lymphadenopathy
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Exercise 4
Use the notes below to write out a case report. Remember to divide the notes
in sentences.
35 year-old woman Mrs Bentley telephoned A&E - 3am c/o severe vomiting -
five hours duration - very loose motions several times - same period - some
cramping pains – central/ lower abdomen - started about six hours prior - call.
- smoke and alcohol no -previous evening egg mayonnaise sandwiches -way
home from work.
no dysuria - periods regular - last menstrual period two weeks ago -
appendicectomy 15 years before - nullipara.
examination - temperature 38.1C- not anaemic -pulse 110/70/min/ regular -
blood pressure 108/82 - respiratory rate 19/min - tongue dry - some
tenderness centre abdomen/left iliac fossa -no guarding -auscultation bowel
sounds prominent no lymphadenopathy
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Exercise 5
Put the jumbled sections of text into the correct order to create a case report.
Paragraph 1
A. on the way home from work.
B. Mrs Bentley telephoned A &E at
C. A 35 year-old woman,
D. mayonnaise sandwiches
E. pains in the central and lower
F. motions several times over the
G. 3am complaining of severe vomiting
H. abdomen. These started about six
hours prior
I. to the telephone call. She
J. previous evening she had some egg
K. period and she had had some
L. does not smoke and is teetotal.
M. The
N. five hours. She had had
O. very loose
Paragraph 2
A. were
B. two weeks ago.
She had an
C. regular and
D. There was
E. her last
menstrual period
F. before. She was
G. 15 years
H. no dysuria. Her
I. nullipara.
Paragraph 3
A. pulse was 110/70/min
B. her temperature was
C. prominent . There
D. not look anaemic. Her
E. 38.1C. She did
F. and regular. The
G. auscultation, her bowel
H. respiratory rate was
19/min. Her
I. tongue was dry. She had
J. tenderness in the centre of
K. On examination,
L. her abdomen and in the
M. was no lymphadenopathy
N. guarding. On
O. blood pressure was
108/82. Her
P. left iliac fossa. There was
Q. sounds were
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Exercise 6
Write out the complete text.
A 35 year-old woman, Mrs Bentley telephoned A &E at 3am complaining of
severe vomiting lasting five hours. She had had very loose motions several
times over the period and she had had some cramping pains in the central
and lower abdomen. These started about six hours prior to the telephone call.
She does not smoke and is teetotal. The previous evening she had some egg
mayonnaise sandwiches on the way home from work.
There was no dysuria. Her periods were regular and her last menstrual period
was two weeks ago. She had an appendicectomy 15 years before and She
was nullipara.
On examination, her temperature was 38.1C. She did not look anaemic. Her
pulse was 110/70/min and regular. The blood pressure was 108/82. Her
respiratory rate was 19/min. Her tongue was dry. She had some tenderness in
the centre of her abdomen and in the left iliac fossa. There was no guarding.
On auscultation, her bowel sounds were prominent. There was no
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Exercise 7
(i) In the questions below there are seven mistakes. Can you find them?
a) What’s your name?
b) What age are you?
c) What seem to be the problem?
d) Can you tell me a little bit more about this?
e) Can you tell me when started the vomiting?
f) What about your bowel motions?
g) Have you been in pain?
h) Are you in pain at the moment?
i) Can you tell me when did the pain start?
j) Where do you get the pain?
k) Can you tell me what the pain looks like?
l) Are you aware of anything that might have caused the vomiting and
m) What did you have eat yesterday?
n) What about your waterwork? Are they ok?
o) Your appetite generally okay?
p) When was your last period?
q) Have you had operations?
r) When did you have the operation?
s) Have you had any children?
Exercise 8: making short questions
(i) Using the questions below, make short questions for taking the general
history. The first one has been done for you
A. Are your bowels okay? [Your] bowels okay?
B. Are your waterworks okay?
C. Are your eating okay?
A. Have you been eating okay?
D. Is your appetite okay?
E. Are your sleeping okay?
F. Have you been sleeping okay?
G. Are you passing water a lot?
H. Are your periods okay?
I. Is your tummy okay?
(ii) Now practise the full history with a partner.
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Exercise 9
Match the colloquial words and phrases on the left with the medical term on
the right. One has been done for you.
a) the trots/the runs
b) swelling
c) tummy
d) back bone
e) shoulder blade
f) belly button
g) heel
h) afterbirth
i) the change
j) chest bone
k) stitch
l) knee-cap
m) blister
n) phlegm
o) chickenpox
p) piles
I. calcaneus
II. varicella
III. haemorrhoids
IV. oedema
V. vesicle
VI. suture
VII. sputum
VIII. placenta
IX. menopause
X. abdomen
XI. diarrhoea
XII. umbilicus
XIII. sternum
XIV. clavicle
XV. patella
XVI. spine
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Exercise 10
Insert the words and phrases in the column in the right in an appropriate place
in the sentences below. One has been done for you as an example.
1. The patient was admitted to hospital at 2 am.
2. She was hospital three days later
3. Mrs Jones was pain in the lower abdomen.
4. The pain was cold weather.
5. The pain was the new drugs.
6. There is anecdotal evidence that some people
homeopathic medicine in this case.
7. The pain was not paracetamol.
8. He was hypotension.
9. The family history also needs to in this case.
10. He was having Parkinson’s disease.
11. The effects of the syndrome can be medical
12. The patient was as soon as possible after the
13. The patient was three days ago.
14. The boy was the operation immediately he
came in.
15. The disease is a number of signs.
i.exacerbated by
ii.booked for
iii.be elicited
iv.manifested by
v.admitted to
vi.discharged from
vii.benefit from
viii.alleviated by
ix.diagnosed as
x.mitigated by
xi.operated on
xii.suffering from
xiii.hospitalized with
xiv.ameliorated by
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Exercise 11
Insert the items in the column below in an appropriate place in the sentences
below. One has been done for you as an example.
1. The patient was admitted to hospital at 2 am.
2. She was ____________hospital three days later
3. Mrs Jones was ____________pain in the lower abdomen.
4. The pain was ____________cold weather.
5. The pain was ____________ the new drugs.
6. There is anecdotal evidence that some people
homeopathic____________ medicine in this case.
7. The pain was not ____________paracetmol.
8. He was ____________hypotension.
9. The family history also needs to ____________in this case.
10. He was ____________having Parkinson’s disease.
11. The effects of the syndrome can be ____________medical
12. The patient was ____________as soon as possible after the
13. The patient was ____________three days ago.
14. The boy was ____________the operation immediately he
came in.
15. The disease is ____________a number of signs,
a) exacerbated by
b) booked for
c) be elicited
d) manifested by
e) admitted to
f) discharged from
g) benefit from
h) alleviated by
i) diagnosed as
j) mitigated by
k) operated on
l) suffering from
m) hospitalized with
n) ameliorated by
o) mobilized
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Key to Exercises 1- 6
The complete text is below.
A 35 year-old woman, Mrs Bentley telephoned A &E at 3am complaining of
severe vomiting lasting five hours. She had had very loose motions several
times over the period and she had had some cramping pains in the central
and lower abdomen. These started about six hours prior to the telephone call.
She does not smoke and is teetotal. The previous evening she had some egg
mayonnaise sandwiches on the way home from work.
There was no dysuria. Her periods were regular and her last menstrual period
was two weeks ago. She had an appendicectomy 15 years before and She
was nullipara.
On examination, her temperature was 38.1C. She did not look anaemic. Her
pulse was 110/70/min and regular. The blood pressure was 108/82. Her
respiratory rate was 19/min. Her tongue was dry. She had some tenderness in
the centre of her abdomen and in the left iliac fossa. There was no guarding.
On auscultation, her bowel sounds were prominent. There was no
Exercise 7
Find the corrected sentences below.
a) What’s your name?
b) What age are you?
c) What seems to be the problem?
d) Can you tell me a little bit more about this?
e) Can you tell me when the vomiting started?
f) What about your bowel motions?
g) Have you been in pain?
h) Are you in pain at the moment?
i) Can you tell me when the pain started?
j) Where do you get the pain?
k) Can you tell me what the pain is like?
l) Are you aware of anything that might have caused the vomiting and
m) What did you have to eat yesterday?
n) What about your waterworks? Are they ok?
o) Your appetite generally okay?
p) When was your last period?
q) Have you had any operations?
r) When did you have the operation?
s) Have you had any children?
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Exercise 8
B. Are your bowels okay? [Your] bowels okay?
C. Are your waterworks okay? [Your] waterworks okay?
D. Are your eating okay? Eating okay?
E. Have you been eating okay? Been eating okay?
F. Is your appetite okay? Appetite okay?
G. Are your sleeping okay? Sleeping okay?
H. Have you been sleeping okay? Been sleeping okay?
I. Are you passing water a lot? Passing water a lot?
J. Are your periods okay? [Your] periods okay?
K. Is your tummy okay? [Your] tummy okay?
Exercise 9
a) the trots/the runs -
b) swelling - oedema
c) tummy - abdomen
d) back bone - spine
e) shoulder blade - clavicle
f) belly button - umbilicus
g) heel - calcaneus
h) afterbirth - placenta
i) the change - menopause
j) chest bone - sternum
k) stitch - suture
l) knee-cap - patella
m) blister - vesicle
n) phlegm - sputum
o) chickenpox - varicella
p) piles - haemorrhoids
Exercise 10 and 11
1. The patient was admitted to hospital at 2 am.
2. She was discharged from hospital three days later
3. Mrs Jones was suffering from pain in the lower abdomen.
4. The pain was exacerbated by cold weather.
5. The pain was ameliorated by the new drugs.
6. There is anecdotal evidence that some people benefit from
homeopathic medicine in this case.
7. The pain was not alleviated by paracetmol.
8. He was hospitalized with hypotension.
9. The family history also needs to be elicited in this case.
10. He was diagnosed as having Parkinson’s disease.
11. The effects of the syndrome can be mitigated by medical care.
12. The patient was mobilized as soon as possible after the
13. The patient was operated on three days ago.
14. The boy was booked for the operation immediately he came in.
15. The disease is manifested by a number of signs,


LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006