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Medical English – case report

Exercise 1
Insert the words and phrases into the appropriate blank space. You may use
each item once only.
a) On auscultation
b) the year before
c) prior to the telephone call
d) two weeks previously
e) lasting five hours
f) respiratory rate
g) The evening before
h) 15 years
i) pulse
j) iliac fossa
k) guarding
l) over the period
m) abdomen
n) A&E
o) On examination
A 35 year-old woman, Mrs Bentley telephoned _____1_____ at 3am
complaining of severe vomiting _____2_____. She had had very loose
motions several times _____3____ and she had had some cramping pains in
the central and lower abdomen. These started about six hours _____4_____.
She did not smoke and was teetotal. _____5_____ she had some egg
mayonnaise sandwiches on the way home from work.
There was no dysuria. Her periods were regular and her last menstrual period
was _____6_____. She had an appendicectomy _____7_____ before. She
was nullipara.
_____8_____, her temperature was 38.1C. She did not look anaemic. Her
_____9_____ was 101/min and regular. The blood pressure was 110/70. Her
_____10_____ was 19/min. Her tongue was dry. She had some tenderness in
the centre of her abdomen and in the left _____11_____. There was no
_____12_____. _____13_____ of her abdomen, her bowel sounds were
prominent. There was no lymphadenopathy.


LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006