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Taking Hospital Notes

Answer the questions with the people in the list below.
doctor nurse out-patient
sister surgeon patient
1 Which people work on a ward?
2 Which people work in an operating theatre?
3 Which person is ill and in hospital?
4 Which person is in a waiting room, waiting to see a doctor?
5 Which person is a senior nurse?
Match the verbs in A with the words in B. Sometimes there is more than one
possible match.
do an operation
make an injection
give some medicine
take a pill
have your temperature
a check-up
Use the words below to fill the gaps.
hurt pain sick
ill injured ache
1 I’ve eaten too much chocolate. I feel _____________.
2 Ten people were ______________ in the accident.
3 Sometimes I have a terrible _____________ in my back. It can really
_______________. I must see a doctor.
4 I’ve got tooth______________, and a head____________. Do you have an
5 My aunt is very ________________ with cancer. We visited her in
hospital yesterday.
Read the text. Complete the gaps with the words below.
prescription temperature symptoms headache
appointment waiting room ill examined
Last week, I felt _________ so I made an _________ to see Dr Smith. I
arrived early, and sat in the _________ and read a magazine. I went in to see
the doctor, and I told her what my ___________ were. I had a bad
__________ and a high ___________. She ___________ me, and gave me a
__________ to take to the chemist.
Put the dialogue between a doctor and a patient in the right order.
Just here.
What’s the matter?
OK. Breathe in. Breathe out. Good.
I have a terrible pain in my chest.
Take two of these pills twice a day.
Where does it hurt?
What should I do, doctor?
Now practise the dialogue with your partner.
Interview your partner.
1 How do you feel today?
2 How often do you see the doctor?
3 Have you ever been to hospital? When? Why?
Tell the class about your partner.


LAST UPDATED                      25/06/2006